Investment Property Seminar- CIBC & Scott McGillivray

Investment Property Seminar- CIBC & Scott McGillivray

Thanks for the invitation from Jonathan Huang, I attended a seminar jointly held by CIBC and Scott McGillivray the other day. I would like to share what I learned briefly in that night.

There are four fundamental factors when investing in a property:

  • Positive cash flow, 


  • Market appreciation,


  • Principal recapture,


  • Renovation appreciation.

I understand the importance of positive cash flow, but in Vancouver real estate market, how much down payment you have in order to achieve that? And, is it still worthwhile to do so?

It is very hard to find “perfect” trades person in the renovation industry, what you can do is to try to minimize the risk. Here are three pieces of paperwork when dealing with a contractor.

  • Estimate
  • Scope of work
  • Change work order

Avoid “HP” (hope & pray) strategy in you house project, good luck!


My Profile Image

My Profile Image

Finally, I rebuilt my site. It took longer than I expected, but I finally did it thanks to the powerful WordPress. When I showed it to my friends the other day, someone suggested I should have a personal image on my site for the sake of business. I took their advice however I didn’t realize I would encounter any difficulty until I was trying to find my personal photos. Wow, I have taken so many pictures of my family, friends and the places I have visited in these years, but really, there are almost none of just myself. I was either with others or wearing sunglasses. Here is the one I took in May 3rd,2003 at Muriwai Beach in Auckland. The me in the picture is 10 years younger than me now, and I am sorry for that!

William in NZ