Flower-Kissed Cottage
Flower-Kissed Cottage
Thrilled to Announce! We recently purchased a lot before the new capital gains tax came into effect in Canada on June 25th. The seller was eager to close before that date, which hopefully translates to a good deal for us. Now, the fun part begins – designing and building our dream home!
With the new R1-1 zoning implemented in October 2023, you can build a smaller single family house with 0.6 floor space ratio (compared with 0.7 fsr before) and a bigger laneway house with 0.25 fsr. The policy maker did this to promote more density so called “adding missing middle housing”.
If you don’t want to build a duplex or multiplex (3 units for this lot), the only way to increase the floor space from 0.6 fsr is to utilize the density bonus by building Net Zero homes. This maximizes space by allowing for up to 19% more floor area. While it might be more expensive and time-consuming due to its innovative nature, we’re excited about the chance to explore sustainable building practices.
The property boasts beautiful flowers in both the front and back yards. Let them continue to flourish this summer.