When I first heard this song “Found Myself” by Venice Qin last night, it made me sleepless. The song is now officially live on Spotify and iTunes, and this is such a big deal for her. I was touched in ways I can’t explain easily. Have you ever lost in your life? I think everyone has, at some stage and in some ways. Me and family are so proud of her. Never stop singing, you are such a confident and talented young lady OMG.


I kept playing this song today, it got me goosebumps every time and brought me the light and peace to my heart,  even for a middle aged man. It also reminds me the days in New Zealand; having left the country for nearly 10 years, the memory and friendship are always there, just like yesterday, although the clean and green image of the country are fading.

We met and knew Venice and her family when she was in daycare and my daughter Jiayi went to the same one. Together with another girl Emily and her family, very soon those three girls became indivisible, so does three families. While browsing the pictures, the countless moments surfaced in my mind, they are so fresh, full of joy …  whenever whoever the birthday was, they always sit together; remember once they cut each other’s hair at Emily’s house while adults were having fun, they were only 4 at that time…


Now three girls are becoming fabulous young ladies, they are uniquely excellent, and ready to embrace their tomorrow. They are in three different countries, but they are still the best friends, and will be forever, it is truly amazing, isn’t it?

Today is also the birthday for my son Alvin and my nephew Shudi who is studying at NorthWest University in China. I wish them happy, strong and confident.  

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