Finally Here – Balancing Ambition with Reality

Finally Here – Balancing Ambition with Reality

Finally Here – Balancing Ambition with Reality

You can’t have everything in life, and architectural design is no exception. Design is a journey of defining your wish list and making compromises along the way.

Starting with the initial bubble diagrams in August, this design has evolved significantly(total 8 versions ). Vancouver’s Zoning Bylaws have changed over time, opening up multiple possibilities for designers and homeowners, from single-family homes with double garages or laneway houses to duplexes and multi-unit options. My initial concept was a Net Zero single-family house, which offered a 19% density bonus in floor area as an incentive. To pursue this goal, I became a member of HAVAN and completed the two-day Net Zero Course to qualify for the net-zero registration.

However, I decided to forgo the net-zero pathway in this project due to the extended permit process, which would add an estimated six months. With my children graduating from high school and university next year, timing is essential. Net Zero home remains a serious consideration for future projects, though.

The current design features a main house and a two-bedroom laneway house, totaling approximately 3,300 square feet. I’ll share more details and styles later. 

The Only Thing That Never Changes is Change Itself

The Only Thing That Never Changes is Change Itself

The Only Thing That Never Changes is Change Itself

Zoning regulations have evolved, as have technology and lifestyle. To better understand the impact of these changes, I started from conducting a case study of my homes, designed and built nine years ago. Below is the Functional Space Study on my house. 

  1. Basement
    Total 1005 sf (from the outside of exterior wall)
    Two-bed suite: 520 sf
    Mechanical u/s stairs: 58 sf
    Rec room: 207 sf
    Laundry: 59 sf
    Full Bath: 41 sf
  2. Main Floor
    Total: 897 sf  (from the outside of exterior wall)
    Entry: 60 sf
    Living: 168 sf
    Dining: 164 sf
    Kitchen: 166 sf
    Family: 145 sf
    Powder rm: 35 sf
    Stairs: 71 sf
    Covered front porch: 64 sf
    Deck (partially covered): 120 sf
  3. Second Floor: 914 sf (from the outside of exterior wall)
    Master bed: 174 sf
    Master ensuite: 72 sf
    Master walk-in closet: 48 sf
    Master bed total: 294 sf
    Bed 1 w/ ensuite: 184 sf
    Bed 2 w /ensuite: 196 sf
    Stairs & hallway: 122 sf
    Closet & storage: 30 sf

Current building bylaws permit a significantly larger above-grade floor area. We plan to retain a one-bedroom rental suite in the basement, accessible solely from the main street. The laundry area will be relocated to the second floor for maximum convenience. While this offers advantages, it’s important to consider the increased potential for water damage in case of an accident. As our children mature and pursue their careers, their future living arrangements are uncertain. Nevertheless, we will always maintain their rooms in this, their forever home.

Attached is a bubble diagram outlining the functional space planning. We anticipate developing a preliminary floor plan shortly.


常见建筑风格 (conventional architecture styles)

常见建筑风格 (conventional architecture styles)

常见建筑风格 (conventional architecture styles)

一直以来想总结一下 House Architecture,作为自己的工作手册之类的,但这个话题不小,而且还蛮深奥,开头容易收尾难。在这里就触及一些常见的Conventional 的风格(关于 Unconventional Style,以后有机会再聊)。

下面总结的 16 类风格 (按字母顺序排列),你会发现在周围的房屋设计中,大都是 2 种或者 2 种以上的风格的结合体,有些很漂亮、舒服,有些就不是很搭(Unelated to the Surroundings)。这也许就是房屋设计的重要性吧,一个工程还没有开始建造,它的设计就已经决定了是否会是一个成功的项目!

1. Cape Cod (科德角式建筑风格)

Origin (起源):最早建于 1600s,在英国的东北部,用来抵御湿冷的冬季气候;当今的科德角式大都建于二战后,当时属于中等价位的房子。Cape Cod 这个词由原耶鲁大学校长 Timothy Dwight IV(1795-1817)所创。

Features (特色):大都一层至一层半设计,斜屋顶,窗户对称分布在门两侧,Chimney 和 Dormer(屋顶斜坡上突出的天窗,俗称采光窗)较为常见。

2. Contemporary(当代式)


Features:一般非对称设计,大门大窗,利用自然光线,室内 Open Plan,外墙设计较为直接,使用简洁的纹理与线条,开始注重节能与回收材料的使用。

3. Colonial(殖民风格)

Origin:顾名思义,来自早期欧洲殖民,有很多的发展与延申,例如:Gerogian Colonial,Federal Colonial,Spanish Colonial,French Colonial 等等。 1876 年以后这种风格在美国东部地区被广泛采用。

Features:重复使用的 Shuttered WindowColumnMedium-Pitched Roof,使用实木与砖作为材料,讲究对称。

4. Cottage (乡村别墅式)

Origin:1920s-1930s 英国乡村小别墅。

Features:通常建在乡村或半乡村地区,面积不大,一层半设计,Cross Gable Roof,Ground Floor 和建在 Attic(屋顶空间)的卧室。使用实木与石头材料,拱形进门,靓丽外墙色彩,碎石或砖路,给人很 Cosy 舒适的度假屋感觉。

5. Craftsman(工匠式风格)

Origin:1905-1930s,现在的温哥华还保留着不少 Craftsman风格的房屋,有些人把 Craftsman 与 Bungalow 等同;温市政府把有些 1940 年以前(RS-5 Zoning)建的房屋认证为 “Character Home“,建议保护、保留的。

Features:多采用本地天然材料,比如石头,实木等,设计有 Covered Porch,装饰的 Column,斜 Gable Roof with Braces,暴露的 Roof Rafter 等细节。

我个人比较喜欢这种风格,近年来,这种风格被进一步演变发展,融合了简洁,工艺细节,增加了环保的特色。有些人称之为 “Contemporaty Craftsman”。

6. Farmhouse(农庄式)


Features:主要特色是围绕房子半圈 的门廊设计,喜欢使用横向的 Siding 和 Shutter,较为浅色调的外墙等。

在大温地区,农庄地有些被滥用的趋势,买地的人没有务农的心思,而建成 Mega Mansion,Monster House,已经引起当地社区与政府的关注。

7. Georgian(乔治亚式)

Origin:起源于 18 世纪的英国,命名自乔治亚国王死后。

Features:对称、中间进门的两层设计,外墙多用砖、石头与水泥。DormerDouble Hung Sashed Window 也很常见。

8. Log Home(原生木屋)

源于 17 世纪位的北欧、俄罗斯冬季寒冷的 Log Cabin,原木可以就近取材。而现在 Log Home 几乎可以建在任何地方,甚至是很豪华的,价格当然不菲。滑雪胜地 Whistle 就有很多漂亮的 Log Home。 

9.  Mediterranean(地中海风格)

Origin:顾名思义,来自地中海沿岸阳光灿烂的国家,其中意大利、希腊的影响最多。20 世纪 20 至 40 年代在美国的加利福尼亚与佛罗里达州得到大量的发展。

Features:低角度的、红色砖瓦屋顶,Stucco 与土砖外墙,配以白色、浅橙色、桃色或黄色,给人开朗愉悦的色调。拱形实木进门也是一显著特色。

10. Modern(现代式)

Origin:现代式设计容易与 Contemporary Style 混淆,它起源于二战后的美国,受到工业化与现代化艺术运动的影响,流行了好几十年。

Features:平屋顶或 Low Slope Roof;开放式空间,干净简洁的外部线条,Sliding Door Transom Window 。

11. Prairie(草原式住宅)

Origin:源于美国著名建筑师 Frank Lloyd Wright(宾夕法尼亚州著名的 Fallingwater House设计师)(1869-1959)在 1900 年前后设计的一系列住宅,这类住宅大多坐落在郊外,用地宽阔,环境优美,分布于美国的中西部。


12. Ranch(牧场式)

Origin:起源于 1932 美国西部,二战后到 70 年代蓬勃发展。

Features:多为一层或 Split LevelGable 或 Hip Roof with Roof Overhang。外墙多用砖、Stucco 和实木。Attached Garage 比较常见。

13. Tudor(都铎风格)


Features:当今的都铎风格多见陡峭的屋顶,第一层外墙用 Brick Veneer, 而第二层与 Gable Roof 外用 Stucco 与装饰的木条。多组长的 Casement Windows 也是特色之一。由于 Steep-Pitched Roof 有很好的抵御风雨的功能,这种风格的房屋在大温地区的某些区也是比较常见的。

14. Victorian(维多利亚风格)

Origin:该风格起源于英国维多利亚女王时代(1837-1901),维多利亚风格是一个较为笼统的提法,它有很多分支与发展,例如:Gothic Revival (哥特复兴式),Italianate(意大利风格),Second Empire(第二帝国风格),Queen Anne(安妮女王风格),Stick Style(木格架风格),Romanesque Style(罗马风格),Shingle Style(木瓦片风格)。

Features:维多利亚风格在实用功能的基础上更强调漂亮的设计,例如复杂的 Roof Line,外墙靓丽的色彩、装饰的木条,门廊与精美的柱子等等。笔者生活过的 Auckland 的 Devonport、Ponsonby 区都有不少这样风格的房屋;美国纽约、旧金山也有大量的维多利亚风格的房屋保存完好。

15. Vancouver Special(温哥华朴实风格)


Features:Box-like 结构,较为平缓的屋顶,上下两层结构类似,很多第一层被改造为可以出租的单位,通常有跟房子同宽的前后阳台,以 Builder 的眼光来看,这类房子结实坚固,实惠、造价低廉。

16.  West Coast Contemporary(西海岸当代风格)

Origin:顾名思义来源于西海岸,像 BC 省,美国华盛顿州 Cedar 木非常丰富的地域。

Features:这种风格通常是现代与经典的结合,有些偏经典传统设计,有些则更倾向现代设计,但无论哪种偏向都大量使用本地的实木与石材。特色例如:大窗户、暴漏的实木框架、实木 Finish 与石头装饰的 Fireplace 等等,一般依地势而建,像在西温哥华和北温哥华较为常见。


1. Kohlstedt K. (2017). The Architecture of American Houses
2. Home Stratosphere, 32 Types of Architectural Styles for the Home
3. DIY Network, 26 Popular Architectural Home 
4. 个人图书馆,
5. Craven, J. (2017). American Victorian Architecture, Homes From 1840 to 1900,
6. Beuerlein, K. (2017). Comtemporary Architecture,
7. Condopedia, West Coast

William Li
BC省注册地产经纪/ 建筑商
cell: 778-968-4968
