William Li | 李煒
“With integrity, expertise, and hard work, William Li delivers unparalleled personal services by helping our clients get great value for their homes and real estate investments.”
My Blog
WILLIAM聊地产 #202501
人在旅途,心系温哥华地产市场。2025 农历新年刚过,回顾过去一年,温哥华地产市场看似平静,实则暗流涌动,机会与风险并存。本文以温哥华西区(Vancouver West)的房地产数据为例,分析大温地区市场的整体表现。以下为个人观点。 独立屋市场(Detached House) 2024年,温哥华西区独立屋成交 780 套,同比下降 3.3%,中间价(Median Price)稳定在 350 万加元左右。根据地产总局数据中心(Stats Centre GRV)的数据,2024...
Finally Here – Balancing Ambition with Reality
You can’t have everything in life, and architectural design is no exception. Design is a journey of defining your wish list and making compromises along the way. Starting with the initial bubble diagrams in August, this design has evolved...
WILLIAM聊地产 #202405
国庆长假进入尾声,本人斗胆进言政府考虑改进目前的节日长假制度:公共假日休一天(春节除外),多出的假日每年由公民自行安排,这样可以减少像上海外滩假日期间拥挤踩踏的风险,减低像西安预约登大雁塔、观《长恨歌》表演的难度,说不定可以增加游客及当地居民的幸福感与便利呢?权当老李在这咸吃萝卜淡操心,杞人忧天哈! 伴随国庆长假还有停止交易的吸金(睛)全球的中国证券市场。中国股市暴涨,有股民称一天赚 60...
The Only Thing That Never Changes is Change Itself
Zoning regulations have evolved, as have technology and lifestyle. To better understand the impact of these changes, I started from conducting a case study of my homes, designed and built nine years ago. Below is the Functional Space Study on my...
Receding Glaciers and People’s Life
从阿拉斯加的冰川游轮回来不久,有些发热,似乎在那里遇到了 Mr. 寇韦德(虽然测试几次都是阴的,这个不重要啦)。今天,烧已退,趁记忆仍犹新写点东西留下来,老的时候可以回来翻阅一下。 我们乘坐的是 Princess Cruise,一艘不大不小、不新不旧的游轮。船上提供各式西餐、Buffet,还有 7、80 年代的音乐与各类表演。记得船上有一期《Guess The Beatles》的 Show,居然让我感觉自己也属年轻人行列了。 在成行之前看了他们的 YouTube...
Flower-Kissed Cottage
Thrilled to Announce! We recently purchased a lot before the new capital gains tax came into effect in Canada on June 25th. The seller was eager to close before that date, which hopefully translates to a good deal for us. Now, the fun part begins...