Receding Glaciers and People’s Life
Receding Glaciers and People’s Life
从阿拉斯加的冰川游轮回来不久,有些发热,似乎在那里遇到了 Mr. 寇韦德(虽然测试几次都是阴的,这个不重要啦)。今天,烧已退,趁记忆仍犹新写点东西留下来,老的时候可以回来翻阅一下。
我们乘坐的是 Princess Cruise,一艘不大不小、不新不旧的游轮。船上提供各式西餐、Buffet,还有 7、80 年代的音乐与各类表演。记得船上有一期《Guess The Beatles》的 Show,居然让我感觉自己也属年轻人行列了。
在成行之前看了他们的 YouTube 宣传片,心里也似有期盼:洁白无瑕的茫茫冰川、漂浮在海面的巨型冰山、拍打海面的鲸鱼、岸边觅食的阿拉斯加大灰熊,还有岸边冰崩落入大海的巨响…… 而实际上呢,下面先分享一些旅途中的照片吧。
我看到的是:消退的冰川和暴露出来的黑黑的泥土,海面上零星的浮冰,温暖的气温伴随着我带的过多的衣物,全球变暖是个不争的事实。景观与体验依然壮观无比,却不禁让我想到 receding glaciers and people’s life 在人生层面的意义。
While I won’t delve into the environmental implications of diminishing ice on people’s daily lives. Nevertheless, in other ways. The experience of witnessing a glacier in far north Alaska was a little different from what I had expected, it is still very gorgeous, and a truly unforgettable life experience.
Considering its inevitable transformation over the years, I can’t help but wonder what the future holds? It’s likely to be vastly different, but same GORGEOUS and inspiring, right? We humans only live once, and have a finite time on Earth. Everyone will be filled with countless experiences and encounters. Should the purpose of our life be to fully appreciate these moments without regret? It’s a question worth pondering!
I put together a YouTube video using clips from my #FujiXT5 from this trip and the beautiful song from #玫瑰的故事. It’s a reflection on life, and I hope you enjoy it.