You can’t have everything in life, and architectural design is no exception. Design is a journey of defining your wish list and making compromises along the way. Starting with the initial bubble diagrams in August, this design has evolved significantly(total 8...
New Journey
New Journey
I remember completing the last design and build project where my family currently resides, thinking there will be only one final project to do before retirement—what we call in Chinese “收山之作”. However, I am about to embark on a new project, I am sure this won’t be the last one. I can’t seem to stay away from design and build! There’s an endless well of knowledge to explore, challenges to overcome, and the ultimate reward of creating something beautiful and functional. I often go by “life-undefined” on social media, reflecting my ever-evolving journey, and I can’t wait to share the journey with you.
Finally Here – Balancing Ambition with Reality
The Only Thing That Never Changes is Change Itself
Zoning regulations have evolved, as have technology and lifestyle. To better understand the impact of these changes, I started from conducting a case study of my homes, designed and built nine years ago. Below is the Functional Space Study on my house. BasementTotal...
Receding Glaciers and People’s Life
从阿拉斯加的冰川游轮回来不久,有些发热,似乎在那里遇到了 Mr. 寇韦德(虽然测试几次都是阴的,这个不重要啦)。今天,烧已退,趁记忆仍犹新写点东西留下来,老的时候可以回来翻阅一下。 我们乘坐的是 Princess Cruise,一艘不大不小、不新不旧的游轮。船上提供各式西餐、Buffet,还有 7、80 年代的音乐与各类表演。记得船上有一期《Guess The Beatles》的 Show,居然让我感觉自己也属年轻人行列了。 在成行之前看了他们的 YouTube...
Flower-Kissed Cottage
Thrilled to Announce! We recently purchased a lot before the new capital gains tax came into effect in Canada on June 25th. The seller was eager to close before that date, which hopefully translates to a good deal for us. Now, the fun part begins – designing and...