Finally Here – Balancing Ambition with Reality

Finally Here – Balancing Ambition with Reality

Finally Here – Balancing Ambition with Reality

You can’t have everything in life, and architectural design is no exception. Design is a journey of defining your wish list and making compromises along the way.

Starting with the initial bubble diagrams in August, this design has evolved significantly(total 8 versions ). Vancouver’s Zoning Bylaws have changed over time, opening up multiple possibilities for designers and homeowners, from single-family homes with double garages or laneway houses to duplexes and multi-unit options. My initial concept was a Net Zero single-family house, which offered a 19% density bonus in floor area as an incentive. To pursue this goal, I became a member of HAVAN and completed the two-day Net Zero Course to qualify for the net-zero registration.

However, I decided to forgo the net-zero pathway in this project due to the extended permit process, which would add an estimated six months. With my children graduating from high school and university next year, timing is essential. Net Zero home remains a serious consideration for future projects, though.

The current design features a main house and a two-bedroom laneway house, totaling approximately 3,300 square feet. I’ll share more details and styles later. 

WILLIAM聊地产 #202405

WILLIAM聊地产 #202405

WILLIAM聊地产 #202405


伴随国庆长假还有停止交易的吸金(睛)全球的中国证券市场。中国股市暴涨,有股民称一天赚 60 多万,终于敢要二胎了。在中国股市休业的一周多的时间内,全球金融市场、地缘政治冲突发生很多大事件,对于干等中国证券市场开市的股民们不是很友好,并且额外增加了难以控制的风险。这不,上周五“意外”的美国非农就业数据,直接把美国从衰退边缘硬拽了回来。紧接着,美联储主席鲍威尔表达了减缓减息的预期,直接拉升美元指数,增加全球美元资产价值。同时,日本央行也宣布降低日元的加息预期,似乎是为了配合美国老大哥。无独有偶,欧盟也宣布对中国进口电动汽车在 5 年内把进口关税从 10% 增加到 45%

WILLIAM聊地产 似乎扯得有些远了。我们回顾一下大温地区 9 月份地产数据。大温地区 2024年 9 月份各类房屋成交 1,838 套,同比降低 4.0%;新上市数量 6,136 套,同比增加 12.5%;各类房屋在售总量 14,426 套,同比增长 28.2%,接近过往 5 年新高。大温地区 9 月份各类房屋 HPI 基准价为 $1,179,700,同比去年降低 1.8%,已经连续 4 个月下降。

可见,大温地区的房地产市场目前处于买方市场,而且,买方与卖房的博弈转换一直在进行,从未达过平衡,市场有高有低,有快有慢。作为一个从事房地产行业多年的人士,我一直不鼓励 Time The Market,贪婪的人性经常会战胜理智而做出不明智的判断。

本次的 WILLIAM聊地产 花了不少篇幅在国内经济状况,因为大温地区的房地产市场跟国内的经济、地缘政治状况等有着较为密切的联系,特别是某些区域比如温西和西温的地产市场联系更为直接。

左图是大温地区独立屋过往 10 年的 HPI 基准价走势,最高点为 2022 年 4 月的 $2,096,600,那是疫情后的量化宽松低利率时期。右图是温西独立屋市场过往 10 年 HPI 基准价走势图,不同大温地区其他市场的是,最高点仍是 2017 年 7 月的 $3,674,300,那时中国经济与现在有很大不同,赚钱容易,资金流动也不是什么大问题。

我们对很多事情没有控制,更加无法把握,面对经济洪流、大国博弈,我们不过一粒沙而已。最近在社交媒体看到有些博主针对近日井喷的股市疯牛开始计划着人生难得一遇的致富机会了。其实很多人生得意的时候,不过是运气罢了。我只能说 Good Luck! 


William Li
BC省注册地产经纪/ 建筑商
☏ 778-968-4968

1.版权归网站 JALH.CA 及微信公众号 Life Undefined,原作者 William Li 所有;

The Only Thing That Never Changes is Change Itself

The Only Thing That Never Changes is Change Itself

The Only Thing That Never Changes is Change Itself

Zoning regulations have evolved, as have technology and lifestyle. To better understand the impact of these changes, I started from conducting a case study of my homes, designed and built nine years ago. Below is the Functional Space Study on my house. 

  1. Basement
    Total 1005 sf (from the outside of exterior wall)
    Two-bed suite: 520 sf
    Mechanical u/s stairs: 58 sf
    Rec room: 207 sf
    Laundry: 59 sf
    Full Bath: 41 sf
  2. Main Floor
    Total: 897 sf  (from the outside of exterior wall)
    Entry: 60 sf
    Living: 168 sf
    Dining: 164 sf
    Kitchen: 166 sf
    Family: 145 sf
    Powder rm: 35 sf
    Stairs: 71 sf
    Covered front porch: 64 sf
    Deck (partially covered): 120 sf
  3. Second Floor: 914 sf (from the outside of exterior wall)
    Master bed: 174 sf
    Master ensuite: 72 sf
    Master walk-in closet: 48 sf
    Master bed total: 294 sf
    Bed 1 w/ ensuite: 184 sf
    Bed 2 w /ensuite: 196 sf
    Stairs & hallway: 122 sf
    Closet & storage: 30 sf

Current building bylaws permit a significantly larger above-grade floor area. We plan to retain a one-bedroom rental suite in the basement, accessible solely from the main street. The laundry area will be relocated to the second floor for maximum convenience. While this offers advantages, it’s important to consider the increased potential for water damage in case of an accident. As our children mature and pursue their careers, their future living arrangements are uncertain. Nevertheless, we will always maintain their rooms in this, their forever home.

Attached is a bubble diagram outlining the functional space planning. We anticipate developing a preliminary floor plan shortly.


Receding Glaciers and People’s Life

Receding Glaciers and People’s Life

Receding Glaciers and People’s Life

从阿拉斯加的冰川游轮回来不久,有些发热,似乎在那里遇到了 Mr. 寇韦德(虽然测试几次都是阴的,这个不重要啦)。今天,烧已退,趁记忆仍犹新写点东西留下来,老的时候可以回来翻阅一下。

我们乘坐的是 Princess Cruise,一艘不大不小、不新不旧的游轮。船上提供各式西餐、Buffet,还有 7、80 年代的音乐与各类表演。记得船上有一期《Guess The Beatles》的 Show,居然让我感觉自己也属年轻人行列了。

在成行之前看了他们的 YouTube 宣传片,心里也似有期盼:洁白无瑕的茫茫冰川、漂浮在海面的巨型冰山、拍打海面的鲸鱼、岸边觅食的阿拉斯加大灰熊,还有岸边冰崩落入大海的巨响…… 而实际上呢,下面先分享一些旅途中的照片吧。

我看到的是:消退的冰川和暴露出来的黑黑的泥土,海面上零星的浮冰,温暖的气温伴随着我带的过多的衣物,全球变暖是个不争的事实。景观与体验依然壮观无比,却不禁让我想到 receding glaciers and people’s life 在人生层面的意义。

While I won’t delve into the environmental implications of diminishing ice on people’s daily lives. Nevertheless, in other ways. The experience of witnessing a glacier in far north Alaska was a little different from what I had expected, it is still very gorgeous, and a truly unforgettable life experience. 

Considering its inevitable transformation over the years, I can’t help but wonder what the future holds? It’s likely to be vastly different, but same GORGEOUS and inspiring, right? We humans only live once, and have a finite time on Earth. Everyone will be filled with countless experiences and encounters. Should the purpose of our life be to fully appreciate these moments without regret? It’s a question worth pondering! 

I put together a YouTube video using clips from my #FujiXT5 from this trip and the beautiful song from #玫瑰的故事. It’s a reflection on life, and I hope you enjoy it.

Flower-Kissed Cottage

Flower-Kissed Cottage

Flower-Kissed Cottage

Thrilled to Announce! We recently purchased a lot before the new capital gains tax came into effect in Canada on June 25th. The seller was eager to close before that date, which hopefully translates to a good deal for us.  Now, the fun part begins – designing and building our dream home!

With the new R1-1 zoning implemented in October 2023, you can build a smaller single family house with 0.6 floor space ratio (compared with 0.7 fsr before) and a bigger laneway house with 0.25 fsr. The policy maker did this to promote more density so called “adding missing middle housing”. 

If you don’t want to build a duplex or multiplex (3 units for this lot), the only way to increase the floor space from 0.6 fsr is to utilize the density bonus by building Net Zero homes. This maximizes space by allowing for up to 19% more floor area. While it might be more expensive and time-consuming due to its innovative nature, we’re excited about the chance to explore sustainable building practices.

The property boasts beautiful flowers in both the front and back yards. Let them continue to flourish this summer.