I have always been passionate about designing and building homes in my community. To design a home calls for a careful combination of a client’s needs, as well as fundamental respect and understanding of the community’s local history and culture. To build a home, as opposed to a house, requires solid expertise, full commitment, and attention to every details. And building homes is what I do.
If you have any projects in mind, do not hesitate to reach out to me.
My Blog of Design & Build
Finally Here – Balancing Ambition with Reality
You can’t have everything in life, and architectural design is no exception. Design is a journey of defining your wish list and making compromises along the way. Starting with the initial bubble diagrams in August, this design has evolved significantly(total 8...
近日头条之一温哥华的标志性建筑 Vancouver House 哗啦啦地漏水,起因据说是 29 层楼的一个 Gasket Failure,这个 Gasket 就是水管橡皮胶垫,成本最多几块钱,却造成不可估量的损失,还好没坏在 49 楼,否则损失更是几何数量级地增长。有人说买保险的重要性,我不否认,房屋保险像块遮羞布,买后心里踏实些,但花了钱最好别用到,否则以后想高价买人家保险公司还不一定愿意卖给你。防患于未然才是关键,足够了解自己的房产,才能睡得踏实。下面通过我多年(掐指一算吓我一跳,17...
How To Winterize Your Home? 为房屋过冬
进入气温不断刷新新低的10月,突然有种冬季就在明天的感觉,看着天气预报未来数不清的雨点,就着浓香的咖啡,总结一下房屋过冬的心得,多少也算是未雨绸缪吧,希望对大家有点帮助。 检查房屋的 Building Envelope 系统,包括屋顶、外墙、窗户、Storm Sewer(地基排水)等。温哥华的冬季雨水多,雨水给房子带来的麻烦往往大于下雪的。最好时机是在夏末秋初,重点部位是平屋顶,Parapet Wall (阳台短墙),Deck Over Living Space,Window Header,Flashing (挡雨板)等等。关于...
常见建筑风格 (conventional architecture styles)
一直以来想总结一下 House Architecture,作为自己的工作手册之类的,但这个话题不小,而且还蛮深奥,开头容易收尾难。在这里就触及一些常见的Conventional 的风格(关于 Unconventional Style,以后有机会再聊)。 下面总结的 16 类风格 (按字母顺序排列),你会发现在周围的房屋设计中,大都是 2 种或者 2 种以上的风格的结合体,有些很漂亮、舒服,有些就不是很搭(Unelated to the...
对园艺的认知与喜爱也是随着移民十几年的生活经历而逐渐改变与加深的,记得当年搬入新家的第一件事居然是砍掉后院的一颗的李子树,理由是为了“腾”地方,现在看来是如此的年“少”轻狂啊。当年进入园艺店 GardenWorks,看得是一头雾水,还有不熟悉的英文,不知从何下手。慢慢地,开始喜欢花园,并参与设计与打理。看到很多新建房屋,做完 Fence,铺好草皮,再种一棵树,花园就算完成了,不免单调了些。温哥华市府对 First Shaughnessy 和 RS-5 区的发展申请(非 Outright...
My First House Design
I never considered myself as an architect or architectural designer, but one night at a BCIT course, my instructor Mr. Klassen mentioned that he has never been certified or licensed by any associations or organizations, but has been designing detached houses all the...
Renovation Management Experience
From the website SEO point of view, I should update my blog regularly, but it has been more than 2 months since my last input. Yes, it's very busy for the home inspection business, and I read a news today at Vancouver Sun and said ‘Hot Vancouver real estate market...